RChilli Parser API Quick Start

Last updated: December 18, 2019


RChilli has introduced latest version of its resume parser, RChilli 8.0.0 This version takes a final shape with a vision of developing a more scalable and compatible resume parser. A remarkable feature of this version is that it brings GDPR compliance enhancements and is compatible with govt. taxonomies and external standardizations.

1. Version 8.0.0 Fields

Version 8.0.0 is providing information of all the fields mentioned below:

- Language
- LanguageCode
- Country
- Evidence
- CountryCode
- IsoAlpha2
- IsoAlpha3
- UNCode
- FullName
- TitleName
- FirstName
- MiddleName
- LastName
- FormattedName
- ConfidenceScore
Other Personal Information
- Language
- LanguageCode
- PassportNumber
- DateOfExpiry
- DateOfIssue
- PlaceOfIssue
Contact Information
- EmailAddress
- ConfidenceScore
- Number
- ISDCode
- OriginalNumber
- FormattedNumber
- Type
- ConfidenceScore
- Type
- Url
- Street
- City
- State
- StateIsoCode
- Country
- CountryCode
- IsoAlpha2
- IsoAlpha3
- UNCode
- ZipCode
- FormattedAddress
- Type
- ConfidenceScore
- Name
- Type
- ConfidenceScore
- City
- State
- StateIsoCode
- Country
- CountryCode
- IsoAlpha2
- IsoAlpha3
- UNCode
- Name
- ConfidenceScore
- Type
- City
- State
- StateIsoCode
- Country
- CountryCode
- IsoAlpha2
- IsoAlpha3
- UNCode
- DegreeName
- NormalizeDegree
- Specialization
- ConfidenceScore
- FormattedDegreePeriod
- StartDate
- EndDate
- Aggregate
- Value
- MeasureType
- EmployerName
- FormattedName
- ConfidenceScore
- Title
- FormattedName
- Alias
- RelatedSkills
      - Skill
      - ProficiencyLevel
- ConfidenceScore
- City
- State
- StateIsoCode
- Country
- CountryCode
- IsoAlpha2
- IsoAlpha3
- UNCode
- FormattedJobPeriod
- StartDate
- EndDate
- IsCurrentEmployer
- JobDescription
- UsedSkills
- ProjectName
- TeamSize
- CertificationTitle
- Authority
- CertificationCode
- IsExpiry
- StartDate
- EndDate
- CertificationUrl
- PublicationTitle
- Publisher
- PublicationNumber
- PublicationUrl
- Authours
- Description
- AwardTitle
- Issuer
- AssociatedWith
- IssuingDate
- Description
- Skill
- Type
- Evidence
- ExperienceInMonth
- LastUsed
- FormattedName
- Alias
- Ontology
Current Salary
- Amount
- Symbol
- Currency
- Unit
- Text
Expected Salary
- Amount
- Symbol
- Currency
- Unit
- Text
Other Experience Details
- City
- State
- StateIsoCode
- Country
- CountryCode
- IsoAlpha2
- IsoAlpha3
- UNCode
- City
- State
- StateIsoCode
- Country
- CountryCode
- IsoAlpha2
- IsoAlpha3
- UNCode
Other Sections
- ExecutiveSummary
- ManagementSummary
- CandidateImageData
- CandidateImageFormat
- TemplateOutputFileName
- TemplateOutputData
- Metered
- CreditLeft
- AccountExpiryDate
- BuildVersion

2. API Methods

There are two methods by which you can parse a resume:

a). Parsing by Resume Binary Data

RChilli web API allows you to parse the resume using binary data in base64 format.

Method Name in API: parseResumeBinary

Method Type: POST


  • File Data (String) Resume binary data in base64
  • File Name (String) Resume with name extension (e.g. resumeSample.docx)
  • User Key (String) Valid User Key as provided by RChilli
  • Version (String) 8.0.0
  • Sub User Id (String) As per contract

JSON Request Format:
  "filedata": " File data in base64 ",
  "filename": "File name with extension",
  "userkey": "Your API UserKey",
  "version": "8.0.0",
  "subuserid": "Your Company Name"

b). Parsing by Resume Public URL

RChilli Web API allows you to parse resume using resume public URL.

Method Name in API: parseResume

Method Type: POST


  • Resume URL (String) Resume public URL with the filename, e.g. http://www.resumeinfo.com/raj_php.docx
  • User Key (String) Valid user key as provided by RChilli.
  • Version (String) 8.0.0
  • Sub User Id (String) As per contract.
JSON Request Format:
  "url": "Resume public url ",
  "userkey": "Your API UserKey",
  "version": "8.0.0",
  "subuserid": "Your Company Name"

3. RChilli API Output

Sample API output of the resume file in JSON format is shown below:

    "ResumeParserData": {
        "ResumeFileName": "SampleResume.docx",
        "ResumeLanguage": {
            "Language": "English",
            "LanguageCode": "en"
        "ParsingDate": "22/10/2019 8:54:56",
        "ResumeCountry": {
            "Country": "USA",
            "Evidence": "PreferredLocation",
            "CountryCode": {
                "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                "UNCode": "840"
        "Name": {
            "FullName": "John Deo",
            "TitleName": "",
            "FirstName": "John",
            "MiddleName": "",
            "LastName": "Deo",
            "FormattedName": "John Deo",
            "ConfidenceScore": 10
        "DateOfBirth": "13/03/1980",
        "Gender": "Female",
        "FatherName": "Charlene Deo",
        "MotherName": "Amanda Deo",
        "MaritalStatus": "Single",
        "Nationality": "USA",
        "LanguageKnown": [{
            "Language": "French",
            "LanguageCode": "fr"
        }, {
            "Language": "Italian",
            "LanguageCode": "it"
        }, {
            "Language": "Spanish",
            "LanguageCode": "es"
        "UniqueID": "17946232",
        "LicenseNo": "USA Medical license",
        "PassportDetail": {
            "PassportNumber": "31195884",
            "DateOfExpiry": "05/06/2021",
            "DateOfIssue": "18/09/2008",
            "PlaceOfIssue": "United states of America"
        "PanNo": "ADPAR9789T",
        "VisaStatus": "J1",
        "Email": [{
            "EmailAddress": "Johndeo@rchilli.com",
            "ConfidenceScore": 10
        }, {
            "EmailAddress": "John75@xyz.com",
            "ConfidenceScore": 10
        "PhoneNumber": [{
            "Number": "200-600-3000",
            "ISDCode": "+1",
            "OriginalNumber": "200-600-3000",
            "FormattedNumber": "+1 200-600-3000",
            "Type": "Phone",
            "ConfidenceScore": 10
        }, {
            "Number": "1234567890",
            "ISDCode": "+1",
            "OriginalNumber": "123-456-7890",
            "FormattedNumber": "+1 123-456-7890",
            "Type": "Mobile",
            "ConfidenceScore": 10
        }, {
            "Number": "+1-212-9876000",
            "ISDCode": "+1",
            "OriginalNumber": "212-987-6000",
            "FormattedNumber": "+1-212-9876000",
            "Type": "Fax",
            "ConfidenceScore": 10
        "WebSite": [{
            "Type": "Linkedin",
            "Url": "https://www.linkedin.com/Johndeo/"
        }, {
            "Type": "Facebook",
            "Url": "https://www.facebook.com/Johndeo"
        }, {
            "Type": "Twitter",
            "Url": "https://twitter.com/Johndeo"
        "Address": [{
            "Street": "2915 John R St. Apt 306",
            "City": "Detroit",
            "State": "MI",
            "StateIsoCode": "MI",
            "Country": "USA",
            "CountryCode": {
                "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                "UNCode": "840"
            "ZipCode": "48201",
            "FormattedAddress": "2915 John R St. Apt 306, Detroit, MI, 48201, USA",
            "Type": "Present",
            "ConfidenceScore": 10
        }, {
            "Street": "180 N Jefferson St. Apt 2703",
            "City": "Chicago",
            "State": "IL",
            "StateIsoCode": "IL",
            "Country": "USA",
            "CountryCode": {
                "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                "UNCode": "840"
            "ZipCode": "60661",
            "FormattedAddress": "180 N Jefferson St. Apt 2703, Chicago, IL, 60661, USA",
            "Type": "Permanent",
            "ConfidenceScore": 10
        "Category": "Health Care and Social Assistance",
        "SubCategory": "Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians",
        "CurrentSalary": {
            "Amount": "276800.0",
            "Symbol": "$",
            "Currency": "USD",
            "Unit": "Year",
            "Text": "US $ 276800 per year"
        "ExpectedSalary": {
            "Amount": "300000.0",
            "Symbol": "$",
            "Currency": "USD",
            "Unit": "Year",
            "Text": "US $ 300000 per year"
        "Qualification": "2005 - 2009 \t- St. George's University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA \r \t  - St. George's School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA \r - Doctor of Medicine degree, 3.5 CGPA \r  \r 1998 - 2002\t- Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA \r \t\t  \t- Bachelor of Science 3.97 CGPA  \r \t  Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology \r  \r 1997 - 1998\t  - Secondary Education, Carnegie Vanguard High School, Houston, Texas, USA",
        "SegregatedQualification": [{
            "Institution": {
                "Name": "St. George's University School of Medicine",
                "Type": "University",
                "ConfidenceScore": 10,
                "Location": {
                    "City": "New Haven",
                    "State": "CT",
                    "StateIsoCode": "CT",
                    "Country": "USA",
                    "CountryCode": {
                        "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                        "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                        "UNCode": "840"
            "SubInstitution": {
                "Name": "St. George's School of Medicine",
                "ConfidenceScore": 10,
                "Type": "School",
                "Location": {
                    "City": "New Haven",
                    "State": "CT",
                    "StateIsoCode": "CT",
                    "Country": "USA",
                    "CountryCode": {
                        "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                        "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                        "UNCode": "840"
            "Degree": {
                "DegreeName": "Doctor of Medicine",
                "NormalizeDegree": "Doctor of Medicine",
                "Specialization": [],
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
            "FormattedDegreePeriod": "2005 to 2009",
            "StartDate": "01/01/2005",
            "EndDate": "31/12/2009",
            "Aggregate": {
                "Value": "3.5",
                "MeasureType": "CGPA"
        }, {
            "Institution": {
                "Name": "Yale University",
                "Type": "University",
                "ConfidenceScore": 10,
                "Location": {
                    "City": "New Haven",
                    "State": "CT",
                    "StateIsoCode": "CT",
                    "Country": "USA",
                    "CountryCode": {
                        "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                        "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                        "UNCode": "840"
            "Degree": {
                "DegreeName": "Bachelor of Science",
                "NormalizeDegree": "Bachelor of Science",
                "Specialization": [
                    "Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology"
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
            "FormattedDegreePeriod": "1998 to 2002",
            "StartDate": "01/01/1998",
            "EndDate": "31/12/2002",
            "Aggregate": {
                "Value": "3.97",
                "MeasureType": "CGPA"
        }, {
            "Institution": {
                "Name": "Carnegie Vanguard High School",
                "Type": "School",
                "Location": {
                    "City": "Houston",
                    "State": "Texas",
                    "StateIsoCode": "TX",
                    "Country": "USA",
                    "CountryCode": {
                        "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                        "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                        "UNCode": "840"
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
            "Degree": {
                "DegreeName": "Secondary Education",
                "NormalizeDegree": "",
                "Specialization": ["Secondary Education"],
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
            "FormattedDegreePeriod": "1997 to 1998",
            "StartDate": "01/01/1997",
            "EndDate": "31/12/1998",
            "Aggregate": {
                "Value": "",
                "MeasureType": ""
        "Certification": "\r\rOct 2016\t  - National Board Certification by NCCPA. Expire 2020 \r June 2017\t  -Certified in Gerontology, DE County Community College, Expire 07/2025\r",
        "SegregatedCertification": [{
            "CertificationTitle": "National Board Certification",
            "Authority": "NCCPA",
            "CertificationCode": "",
            "IsExpiry": "31/12/2020",
            "StartDate": "01/10/2016",
            "EndDate": "31/10/2016",
            "CertificationUrl": ""
        }, {
            "CertificationTitle": "Certified in Gerontology",
            "Authority": "DE County Community College",
            "CertificationCode": "",
            "IsExpiry": "31/07/2025",
            "StartDate": "01/06/2017",
            "EndDate": "30/06/2017",
            "CertificationUrl": ""
        "SkillBlock": "Good communication skills are essential for interventional cardiologists. As their work is physically intricate, so must be their communication with other medical personnel as they perform complex cardiac procedures. These cardiologists must also explain the procedures to their patients in language they can understand. Pre- and post-catheterization care of patients involves communication skills being used by cardiologists for evaluations and explanations. \r Medicine and Dentistry - Knowledge of the information and techniques needed to diagnose and treat human injuries, diseases, and deformities. This includes symptoms, treatment alternatives, drug properties and interactions, and preventive health-care measures. \r Scheduling patient appointments \r Maintaining medical records, and billing and coding information for insurance \r Preparing patients for examination \r Helping physicians with patient examinations \r Taking and recording vital signs, such as blood pressure \r Drawing blood \r Preparing blood samples for laboratory tests \r Giving patients injections or medications as directed by a physician ( in some states )\r\r\r\r\rItalian ( fluent )  \r Spanish ( proficient )  \r French ( proficient )",
        "SkillKeywords": "Good Communication Skills,Examinations,Methodology,Knowledge Of The Information and Techniques,Preparing Patients For Examination,Taking and Recording Vital Signs,Scheduling Patient Appointments,Interpreting Medical Research,Market Research and Analysis,Maintaining Medical Records,Giving Patients Injections,PowerPoint Presentations,Preparing Blood Samples,Helping Physicians,Clinical Research,Catheterization,Blood Pressure,Drawing Blood,Evaluations,Insurance,Dentistry,Billing,Coding",
        "SegregatedSkill" : [ {
      "Skill" : "Good Communication Skills",
      "Type" : "SoftSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : "Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation>Media and Communication Workers>Communication"
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Communication Skills",
      "Type" : "SoftSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : "Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation>Media and Communication Workers>Communication"
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Communication",
      "Type" : "SoftSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "Communication",
      "Alias" : "communicating, communicational, communications",
      "Ontology" : "Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation>Media and Communication Workers>Communication"
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Examinations",
      "Type" : "SoftSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : ""
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Methodology",
      "Type" : "SoftSkill",
      "Evidence" : "ExperienceSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 48,
      "LastUsed" : "31/12/2016",
      "FormattedName" : "Methodology",
      "Alias" : "methodology analysis",
      "Ontology" : "Management of Companies and Enterprises>Computer and Information Systems Managers>Methodology"
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Knowledge Of The Information and Techniques",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : ""
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Preparing Patients For Examination",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : ""
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Taking and Recording Vital Signs",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : ""
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Scheduling Patient Appointments",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : ""
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Interpreting Medical Research",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "ExperienceSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 48,
      "LastUsed" : "31/12/2016",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : ""
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Market Research and Analysis",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "ExperienceSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 48,
      "LastUsed" : "31/12/2003",
      "FormattedName" : "Market Research",
      "Alias" : "Market Research and Analysis, market-research, Marketing Research",
      "Ontology" : "Finance and Insurance>Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists>Market Research"
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Maintaining Medical Records",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : "Health Care and Social Assistance>Medical Records and Health Information Technicians>Maintaining Medical Records"
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Giving Patients Injections",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : "Health Care and Social Assistance>Medical Records and Health Information Technicians>Giving Patients Injections"
    }, {
      "Skill" : "PowerPoint Presentations",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "ExperienceSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 48,
      "LastUsed" : "31/12/2003",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : "Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services>Office Administrative Services>Microsoft Office"
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Preparing Blood Samples",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : "Health Care and Social Assistance>Medical Records and Health Information Technicians>Preparing Blood Samples"
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Helping Physicians",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : "Health Care and Social Assistance>Medical Records and Health Information Technicians>Helping Physicians"
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Clinical Research",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "ExperienceSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 48,
      "LastUsed" : "31/12/2016",
      "FormattedName" : "Clinical Research",
      "Alias" : "Clinical-Research, Medical Research",
      "Ontology" : "Health Care and Social Assistance> Healthcare Support Occupations>Healthcare>Clinical Research"
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Medical Research",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "ExperienceSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 48,
      "LastUsed" : "31/12/2016",
      "FormattedName" : "Clinical Research",
      "Alias" : "Clinical-Research, Medical Research",
      "Ontology" : "Health Care and Social Assistance> Healthcare Support Occupations>Healthcare>Clinical Research"
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Catheterization",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : ""
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Blood Pressure",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : "Health Care and Social Assistance> Healthcare Support Occupations>Healthcare>Blood Pressure"
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Drawing Blood",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "Drawing Blood",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : "Health Care and Social Assistance> Healthcare Support Occupations>Healthcare>Drawing Blood"
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Evaluations",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : ""
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Insurance",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : ""
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Dentistry",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "Dentistry",
      "Alias" : "Dental and Oral Medicine",
      "Ontology" : "Health Care and Social Assistance> Dental Assistants>Dentistry"
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Billing",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "",
      "Alias" : "",
      "Ontology" : ""
    }, {
      "Skill" : "Coding",
      "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
      "Evidence" : "SkillSection",
      "ExperienceInMonths" : 0,
      "LastUsed" : "",
      "FormattedName" : "Programming Language",
      "Alias" : "Coding, Computer Lang., Computer Language, Computer programming, Computer Programming Lang., Computer Programming Language, Programming, Programming Lang., Programming Language Theory, Programming Languages, Programming-Language, Software Programming",
      "Ontology" : "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Programming Language"
    } ],
        "Experience": "7/2016 - 12/2017 - Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA - Cardiologist \r Examine patients and assess their condition. \r Give health advice to patients. \r  \r 2013 - 2016\t - Allegiance Health, Detroit, MI \r Hospitalist, Clinical Decision Unit Physician \r Methodology, Clinical Research, Medical Research, Interpreting Medical Research \r  \r 2003 - 2005 \t - Kaplan Inc. Hanover, NJ \r Tutor, classroom teacher for MCAT and SAT preparatory courses \r  \r 2003 - 2005\t - Estelle Finkel Associates, Livingston, NJ \r Tutor, High School students for Advanced Placement science / math exams \r  \r 2000-2003\t - Market Measures, Intern. Livingston, NJ \r Created PowerPoint presentations for this market research and analysis firm \r  \r 1999 - 2000\t - Yale University, Tutor. New Haven, CT \r Tutor for students in Italian language courses",
        "SegregatedExperience": [{
            "Employer": {
                "EmployerName": "Henry Ford Hospital",
                "FormattedName": "",
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
            "JobProfile": {
                "Title": "Cardiologist",
                "FormattedName": "Cardiologist",
                "Alias": "Medical Examiner Paediatrics Cardiologist, Panel Doctor Paediatrics Cardiologist, County Medical Officer Paediatrics Cardiologist, District Medical Officer Paediatrics Cardiologist, General Practitioner Paediatrics Cardiologist, Cardiologists,",
                "RelatedSkills": [
                   "Skill": "Therapy",
                   "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient",
                   "Skill": "Health Advocacy",
                   "ProficiencyLevel": "Native",
                   "Skill": "Patient Administration",
                   "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                   "Skill": "Health Assessment",
                   "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                   "Skill": "Cardiology",
                   "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                   "Skill": "Cardiac Monitoring",
                   "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient",
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
            "Location": {
                "City": "Detroit",
                "State": "MI",
                "StateIsoCode": "MI",
                "Country": "USA",
                "CountryCode": {
                    "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                    "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                    "UNCode": "840"
            "JobPeriod": "7/2016 - 12/2017",
            "FormattedJobPeriod": "7/2016 to 12/2017",
            "StartDate": "01/07/2016",
            "EndDate": "31/12/2017",
            "IsCurrentEmployer": "true",
            "JobDescription": "Examine patients and assess their condition. \n Give health advice to patients.",
            "Projects": [{
                "UsedSkills": "",
                "ProjectName": "",
                "TeamSize": ""
        }, {
            "Employer": {
                "EmployerName": "Allegiance Health",
                "FormattedName": "",
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
            "JobProfile": {
                "Title": "Hospitalist, Clinical Decision Unit Physician",
                "FormattedName": "",
                "Alias": "",
                "RelatedSkills": [],
                "ConfidenceScore": 8
            "Location": {
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                "State": "MI",
                "StateIsoCode": "MI",
                "Country": "USA",
                "CountryCode": {
                    "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                    "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                    "UNCode": "840"
            "JobPeriod": "2013 - 2016",
            "FormattedJobPeriod": "2013 to 2016",
            "StartDate": "01/01/2013",
            "EndDate": "31/12/2016",
            "IsCurrentEmployer": "false",
            "JobDescription": "Methodology, Clinical Research, Medical Research, Interpreting Medical Research",
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        }, {
            "Employer": {
                "EmployerName": "Kaplan Inc",
                "FormattedName": "",
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
            "JobProfile": {
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                "FormattedName": "Tutor",
                "Alias": "Teacher, Education Officer,",
                "RelatedSkills": [
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                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
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                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                           "Skill": "Teaching",
                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient"
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                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient"
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                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient"
                "ConfidenceScore": 9
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                "State": "NJ",
                "StateIsoCode": "NJ",
                "Country": "USA",
                "CountryCode": {
                    "IsoAlpha2": "US",
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                    "UNCode": "840"
            "JobPeriod": "2003 - 2005",
            "FormattedJobPeriod": "2003 to 2005",
            "StartDate": "01/01/2003",
            "EndDate": "31/12/2005",
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            "JobDescription": "",
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            "Employer": {
                "EmployerName": "Estelle Finkel Associates",
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                "ConfidenceScore": 10
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                "FormattedName": "Tutor",
                "Alias": "Teacher, Education Officer,",
                "RelatedSkills": [
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                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient"
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                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                           "Skill": "Student Counseling",
                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                           "Skill": "Teaching",
                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient"
                           "Skill": "Collaborative Learning",
                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient"
                           "Skill": "Coaching Process",
                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient"
                "ConfidenceScore": 9
            "Location": {
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                "State": "NJ",
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                "Country": "USA",
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                    "IsoAlpha2": "US",
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            "StartDate": "01/01/2003",
            "EndDate": "31/12/2005",
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            "JobDescription": "",
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            "Employer": {
                "EmployerName": "Market Measures",
                "FormattedName": "",
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
            "JobProfile": {
                "Title": "Intern",
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                "Alias": "",
                "RelatedSkills": [],
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
            "Location": {
                "City": "Livingston",
                "State": "NJ",
                "StateIsoCode": "NJ",
                "Country": "USA",
                "CountryCode": {
                    "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                    "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                    "UNCode": "840"
            "JobPeriod": "2000-2003",
            "FormattedJobPeriod": "2000 to 2003",
            "StartDate": "01/01/2000",
            "EndDate": "31/12/2003",
            "IsCurrentEmployer": "false",
            "JobDescription": "Created PowerPoint presentations for this market research and analysis firm",
            "Projects": [{
                "UsedSkills": "",
                "ProjectName": "",
                "TeamSize": ""
        }, {
            "Employer": {
                "EmployerName": "Yale University",
                "FormattedName": "",
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
            "JobProfile": {
                "Title": "Tutor",
                "FormattedName": "Tutor",
                "Alias": "Teacher, Education Officer,",
                "RelatedSkills": [
                           "Skill": "Communication",
                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient"
                           "Skill": "Student Engagement",
                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                           "Skill": "Student Counseling",
                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                           "Skill": "Teaching",
                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient"
                           "Skill": "Collaborative Learning",
                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient"
                           "Skill": "Coaching Process",
                           "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient"
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
            "Location": {
                "City": "New Haven",
                "State": "CT",
                "StateIsoCode": "CT",
                "Country": "USA",
                "CountryCode": {
                    "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                    "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                    "UNCode": "840"
            "JobPeriod": "1999 - 2000",
            "FormattedJobPeriod": "1999 to 2000",
            "StartDate": "01/01/1999",
            "EndDate": "31/12/2000",
            "IsCurrentEmployer": "false",
            "JobDescription": "Tutor for students in Italian language courses",
            "Projects": [{
                "UsedSkills": "",
                "ProjectName": "",
                "TeamSize": ""
        "CurrentEmployer": "Henry Ford Hospital",
        "JobProfile": "Cardiologist",
        "WorkedPeriod": {
            "TotalExperienceInMonths": "138",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": "11.6",
            "TotalExperienceRange": "GREATER THAN 10 YEAR"
        "GapPeriod": "1/2006 To 12/2012",
        "AverageStay": "27",
        "LongestStay": "48",
        "Summary": "",
        "ExecutiveSummary": "John has an experience in the domain of Health Care and Social Assistance, particularly in Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians. and is currently working as Cardiologist at Henry Ford Hospital since 1.6 Years. ",
        "ManagementSummary": "",
        "Coverletter": "",
        "Publication": "Peer Reviewed Journal Articles :  \r Tiberio M Frisoli, Michele Voeltz. Structural Heart Disease Monograph in Clinical Updates in Women's HealthCare. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.  \r  \r Greenbaum AB, Frisoli TM. Editorial : Surgical vs Transcatheter Paravalvular Leak Repair. JACC : Interventions; Accepted, in press",
        "SegregatedPublication": [{
            "PublicationTitle": "Structural Heart Disease Monograph in Clinical Updates in Women’s HealthCare",
            "Publisher": "American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists",
            "PublicationNumber": "",
            "PublicationUrl": "",
            "Authors": "Tiberio M Frisoli, Michele Voeltz",
            "Description": "Tiberio M Frisoli, Michele Voeltz. Structural Heart Disease Monograph in Clinical Updates in Women’s HealthCare. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists"
        }, {
            "PublicationTitle": "Surgical vs Transcatheter Paravalvular Leak Repair",
            "Publisher": "JACC",
            "PublicationNumber": "",
            "PublicationUrl": "",
            "Authors": "Greenbaum AB, Frisoli TM",
            "Description": "Greenbaum AB, Frisoli TM. Editorial : Surgical vs Transcatheter Paravalvular Leak Repair. JACC : Interventions; Accepted, in press"
        "CurrentLocation": [{
            "City": "Detroit",
            "State": "MI",
            "StateIsoCode": "MI",
            "Country": "USA",
            "CountryCode": {
                "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                "UNCode": "840"
        "PreferredLocation": [{
            "City": "Chicago",
            "State": "IL",
            "StateIsoCode": "IL",
            "Country": "USA",
            "CountryCode": {
                "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                "UNCode": "840"
        "Availability": "1 Month",
        "Hobbies": "Travel, Soccer / Tennis / Basketball, Opera, Cooking, Winemaking",
        "Objectives": "Motivated Board-Certified Hospitalist seeking gainful employment \r within an outpatient adult medical practice. Experienced in working in diverse \r healthcare settings. Able to work on own initiative and as part of a team. Dedicated to \r maintaining quality medical practice standards.",
        "Achievements": "Associated with Medical- Resident of the Year Award - NYU Department of Medicine 2013 \r Volunteer Service Award - NYU Department of Medicine 2012 \r Intern of the Year Award - NYU Department of Medicine 2011",
        "SegregatedAchievement": [{
            "AwardTitle": "Resident of the Year Award",
            "Issuer": "NYU Department of Medicine",
            "AssociatedWith": "Associated with Medical",
            "IssuingDate": "01/01/2013",
            "Description": "Associated with Medical- Resident of the Year Award – NYU Department of Medicine 2013"
        }, {

            "AwardTitle": "Volunteer Service Award",
            "Issuer": "NYU Department of Medicine",
            "AssociatedWith": "",
            "IssuingDate": "01/01/2012",
            "Description": "Volunteer Service Award – NYU Department of Medicine 2012"
        }, {
            "AwardTitle": "Intern of the Year Award",
            "Issuer": "NYU Department of Medicine",
            "AssociatedWith": "",
            "IssuingDate": "01/01/2011",
            "Description": "Intern of the Year Award – NYU Department of Medicine 2011"
        "References": "Dean Dobbert, MD \r Supervising physician, Express Care; Dover, DE \r dedobbert@christianacare.org \r 302-236-7313  \r Benjamin Levy, DO \r Supervising physician, Dover AFB; Dover, DE \r ben.s.levy@gmail.com \r 612-508-9554  \r Tom Barnett, MD \r Supervising physician, Surgical Associates; Dover, DE \r 302-674-0600",
        "CustomFields": "",
        "EmailInfo": {
            "EmailTo": " ",
            "EmailBody": " ",
            "EmailReplyTo": " ",
            "EmailSignature": " ",
            "EmailFrom": " ",
            "EmailSubject": " ",
            "EmailCC": " "
        "Recommendations": [{
            "PersonName": "",
            "CompanyName": "",
            "Relation": "",
            "PositionTitle": "",
            "Description": ""
        "DetailResume": "John Deo\n\nAddress\t\t\n2915 John R St. Apt 306\t\t\t  \t\t\t\nDetroit, MI USA 48201\n\nPermanent Address\n180 N Jefferson St. Apt 2703\nChicago, IL USA 60661\t\n\t\t\nContact Information\t\t\nMobile : 1234567890\t  \t\t\nPhone : 200-600-3000\nFax : +1-212-9876000\t\t\nEmail : Johndeo@rchilli.com\n  John75@xyz.com\n\nLinkedIn ID\nUrl : https://www.linkedin.com/Johndeo/\nFacebook ID\nUrl : https://www.facebook.com/Johndeo \nTwitter ID\nUrl : https://twitter.com/Johndeo \n\t\t\n\t\t\n\nObjective\nMotivated Board-Certified Hospitalist seeking gainful employment\nwithin an outpatient adult medical practice. Experienced in working in diverse\nhealthcare settings. Able to work on own initiative and as part of a team. Dedicated to\nmaintaining quality medical practice standards.\n\nSkills\nGood communication skills are essential for interventional cardiologists. As their work is physically intricate, so must be their communication with other medical personnel as they perform complex cardiac procedures. These cardiologists must also explain the procedures to their patients in language they can understand. Pre- and post-catheterization care of patients involves communication skills being used by cardiologists for evaluations and explanations.\nMedicine and Dentistry - Knowledge of the information and techniques needed to diagnose and treat human injuries, diseases, and deformities. This includes symptoms, treatment alternatives, drug properties and interactions, and preventive health-care measures.\nScheduling patient appointments\nMaintaining medical records, and billing and coding information for insurance\nPreparing patients for examination\nHelping physicians with patient examinations\nTaking and recording vital signs, such as blood pressure\nDrawing blood\nPreparing blood samples for laboratory tests\nGiving patients injections or medications as directed by a physician ( in some states ) \n\nEducation and Training\n2005 - 2009 \t- St. George's University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA\n\t  - St. George's School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA\n- Doctor of Medicine degree, 3.5 CGPA\n\n1998 - 2002\t- Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA\n\t\t  \t- Bachelor of Science 3.97 CGPA \n\t  Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology\n\n1997 - 1998\t  - Secondary Education, Carnegie Vanguard High School, Houston, Texas, USA\n\t  \n\nHonors and Awards\nAssociated with Medical- Resident of the Year Award - NYU Department of Medicine 2013\nVolunteer Service Award - NYU Department of Medicine 2012\nIntern of the Year Award - NYU Department of Medicine 2011\n\nCertification\nOct 2016\t  - National Board Certification by NCCPA. Expire 2020\nJune 2017\t  -Certified in Gerontology, DE County Community College, Expire 07/2025\n\nPublications\nPeer Reviewed Journal Articles : \nTiberio M Frisoli, Michele Voeltz. Structural Heart Disease Monograph in Clinical Updates in Women's HealthCare. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. \n\nGreenbaum AB, Frisoli TM. Editorial : Surgical vs Transcatheter Paravalvular Leak Repair. JACC : Interventions; Accepted, in press\n\nWork Experience\n7/2016 - 12/2017 - Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA - Cardiologist\nExamine patients and assess their condition.\nGive health advice to patients.\n\n2013 - 2016\t - Allegiance Health, Detroit, MI\nHospitalist, Clinical Decision Unit Physician\nMethodology, Clinical Research, Medical Research, Interpreting Medical Research\n\n2003 - 2005 \t - Kaplan Inc. Hanover, NJ\nTutor, classroom teacher for MCAT and SAT preparatory courses\n\n2003 - 2005\t - Estelle Finkel Associates, Livingston, NJ\nTutor, High School students for Advanced Placement science/math exams\n\n2000-2003\t - Market Measures, Intern. Livingston, NJ\nCreated PowerPoint presentations for this market research and analysis firm\n\n1999 - 2000\t - Yale University, Tutor. New Haven, CT\nTutor for students in Italian language courses\n\nLanguages\nLanguages : Italian ( fluent ) \nSpanish ( proficient ) \nFrench ( proficient ) \n\nHobbies\nTravel, Soccer/Tennis/Basketball, Opera, Cooking, Winemaking\n\nPersonal Data\nFull Name : John Deo\nDate of Birth : March 13 , 1980\nMarital Status : Single\nGender : Female\nNationality : USA\nFather Name : Charlene Deo\nMother Name : Amanda Deo\nVisa : J1\nLicenses : USA Medical license\nPassport Details\nPassport Number : 31195884\nDate of Issue : 18 Sept. 2008\nExpiry Date : 5 June 2021\nPlace of Issue : United states of America\nPan No : ADPAR9789T\nSocial Security No : 17946232\nCurrent Location : Detroit, MI, USA\nPreferred Location : Chicago, IL, USA\nAvailability : 1 Month\nCurrent Salary : US $ 276800 per year\nExpected Salary : US $ 300000 per year\n\nReferences\nDean Dobbert, MD\nSupervising physician, Express Care; Dover, DE\ndedobbert@christianacare.org\n302-236-7313 \nBenjamin Levy, DO\nSupervising physician, Dover AFB; Dover, DE\nben.s.levy@gmail.com\n612-508-9554 \nTom Barnett, MD\nSupervising physician, Surgical Associates; Dover, DE\n302-674-0600",
        "HtmlResume": "TIBERIO M

John Deo


2915 John R St. Apt 306

Detroit, MI USA 48201

Permanent Address

180 N Jefferson St. Apt 2703

Chicago, IL USA 60661

Contact Information

Mobile: 1234567890

Phone: 200-600-3000

Fax: +1-212-9876000

Email: Johndeo@rchilli.com


LinkedIn ID

Url: https://www.linkedin.com/Johndeo/

Facebook ID

Url: https://www.facebook.com/Johndeo

Twitter ID

Url: https://twitter.com/Johndeo


Motivated Board-Certified Hospitalist seeking gainful employment
within an outpatient adult medical practice. Experienced in working in diverse
healthcare settings. Able to work on own initiative and as part of a team. Dedicated to
maintaining quality medical practice standards.


Good communication skills are essential for interventional cardiologists. As their work is physically intricate, so must be their communication with other medical personnel as they perform complex cardiac procedures. These cardiologists must also explain the procedures to their patients in language they can understand. Pre- and post-catheterization care of patients involves communication skills being used by cardiologists for evaluations and explanations.

Medicine and Dentistry - Knowledge of the information and techniques needed to diagnose and treat human injuries, diseases, and deformities. This includes symptoms, treatment alternatives, drug properties and interactions, and preventive health-care measures.

  • Scheduling patient appointments
  • Maintaining medical records, and billing and coding information for insurance
  • Preparing patients for examination
  • Helping physicians with patient examinations
  • Taking and recording vital signs, such as blood pressure
  • Drawing blood
  • Preparing blood samples for laboratory tests
  • Giving patients injections or medications as directed by a physician (in some states)

Education and Training

2005 - 2009 -- St. George's University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA

-- St. George's School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA

-- Doctor of Medicine degree, 3.5 CGPA

1998 - 2002-- Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

-- Bachelor of Science 3.97 CGPA

Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology

1997 - 1998 -- Secondary Education, Carnegie Vanguard High School, Houston, Texas, USA

Honors and Awards

Associated with Medical- Resident of the Year Award - NYU Department of Medicine 2013
Volunteer Service Award - NYU Department of Medicine 2012
Intern of the Year Award - NYU Department of Medicine 2011


Oct 2016 -- National Board Certification by NCCPA. Expire 2020

June 2017 --Certified in Gerontology, DE County Community College, Expire 07/2025


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:

Tiberio M Frisoli, Michele Voeltz. Structural Heart Disease Monograph in Clinical Updates in Women's HealthCare. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Greenbaum AB, Frisoli TM. Editorial: Surgical vs Transcatheter Paravalvular Leak Repair. JACC: Interventions; Accepted, in press

Work Experience

7/2016 - 12/2017 -- Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA - Cardiologist

  • Examine patients and assess their condition.
  • Give health advice to patients.

2013 - 2016 -- Allegiance Health, Detroit, MI

  • Hospitalist, Clinical Decision Unit Physician

Methodology, Clinical Research, Medical Research, Interpreting Medical Research

2003 - 2005 -- Kaplan Inc. Hanover, NJ

  • Tutor, classroom teacher for MCAT and SAT preparatory courses

2003 - 2005 -- Estelle Finkel Associates, Livingston, NJ

  • Tutor, High School students for Advanced Placement science / math exams

2000-2003 -- Market Measures, Intern. Livingston, NJ

  • Created PowerPoint presentations for this market research and analysis firm

1999 - 2000 -- Yale University, Tutor. New Haven, CT

  • Tutor for students in Italian language courses


Languages: Italian (fluent)

Spanish (proficient)

French (proficient)


Travel, Soccer/Tennis/Basketball, Opera, Cooking, Winemaking

Personal Data

Full Name: John Deo

Date of Birth: March 13, 1980

Marital Status: Single

Gender: Female

Nationality: USA

Father Name: Charlene Deo

Mother Name: Amanda Deo

Visa: J1

Licenses: USA Medical license

Passport Details

Passport Number: 31195884

Date of Issue: 18 Sept. 2008

Expiry Date: 5 June 2021

Place of Issue: United states of America

Pan No: ADPAR9789T

Social Security No: 17946232

Current Location: Detroit, MI, USA

Preferred Location: Chicago, IL, USA

Availability: 1 Month

Current Salary: US $ 276800 per year

Expected Salary: US $ 300000 per year

Dean Dobbert, MD
Supervising physician, Express Care; Dover, DE

Benjamin Levy, DO
Supervising physician, Dover AFB; Dover, DE

Tom Barnett, MD
Supervising physician, Surgical Associates; Dover, DE

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